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Facilities and Advice - December 19, 2022

TÉLÉTRAVAIL | Comment bien s’installer avec un ordinateur portable à la maison ?

The growth of teleworking in the wake of the global pandemic has raised several issues related to workspace design. Due to a lack of adequate equipment and the irresistible call of the couch, many teleworkers adopt postures that can be detrimental to their health. Bending over the computer or sitting on the bed, many report a gradual onset of muscle pain. In addition, mental illnesses such as chronic stress and insomnia can have a negative impact on the well-being of employees.  

Aménager un véritable Homeoffice ergonomique devient donc essentiel afin de profiter des avantages offerts par le télétravail sans se rendre vulnérable aux troubles musculosquelettiques. Retrouvez ici quelques astuces pour installer un poste de travail ergonomique fonctionnel dans le confort de votre foyer. Garantissez ainsi concentration et productivité pour toutes vos activités à domicile. 


Invest in ergonomic furniture to improve your posture when teleworking

Although they may seem idyllic, it is important to avoid improvised installations such as a corner table, a sofa or a bed to work. For your comfort, it is necessary to equip yourself with quality office furniture. These tools will be the key to a good working posture at home. Essential, they bring together all the functionalities necessary for the health and efficiency of teleworkers.

In order to adopt a healthy and pleasant work posture, you can invest in a work desk as well as in a good ergonomic chair. These will optimize the comfort of the sitting position according to the requirements and needs of each person. Well installed in this adapted equipment, you will effectively prevent the appearance of tensions and muscular pains. These adjustable chairs will adapt to your morphology by adjusting quickly in height, width and depth. They perfectly fit the contours of your body, allowing you to keep your back straight and to relieve the lumbar area.

Plusieurs options peuvent être ajoutées sur ces chaises de travail dans le but de parfaire votre aisance. Optez ainsi pour des fauteuils avec appui-têtes, accoudoirs mobiles ou repose-pied pour une installation optimale. Un siège avec soutiens lombaires intégré sera par exemple idéal pour réduire les douleurs dorsales. Ces accessoires ergonomiques autoriseront un meilleur accompagnement de votre corps vers des postures plus saines et détendues. Pour cela contactez l’un de nos conseillers

Positioning your computer screen correctly

The computer is the central tool of the home worker. It is therefore necessary to find solutions in order to limit as much as possible the inconveniences linked to its use.

First of all, the screen must be positioned at eye level, well in front of you in order to avoid any twisting of the neck or back. To avoid visual fatigue, it should be placed at a distance equivalent to the length of the arm (50-70cm). With a laptop, these tips can be difficult to implement. Fortunately, ergonomic solutions have been developed to overcome this difficulty. Articulated laptop stands and arms are designed to facilitate the installation and thus naturally correct the user's position. No need to tilt the head, look down, stretch the neck or over-engage. Effortlessly adjustable, these accessories allow you to quickly adapt your workstation to your needs. They are lightweight and easily stored in your computer bag to take you anywhere you want to go. To allow you to work comfortably in line with the keyboard and the screen, document holders can be integrated in addition.

Equip yourself with accessories that will increase your comfort while telecommuting

A multitude of other smart accessories are available to optimize the comfort of your workstation at home.

For example, using a computer stand means using a separate keyboard and mouse. Good news, because these accessories are essential for comfort! By opting for ergonomic keyboards and mice, you can prevent muscoskeletal disorders in the arm, wrist and shoulder areas. Some mice, such as vertical mice, will allow you to find the most comfortable position while avoiding carpal tunnel syndrome. Combined with a non-slip pad, the wrist will remain in line with the arm, which will effectively prevent strain and twisting.

Pour finaliser votre installation au sein de votre foyer, vous pouvez doter votre ordinateur portable d’accessoires multimédias. Selon vos besoins, un casque sans fil pourront faciliter vos activités et vos échanges. 

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Le dernier numéro de Maison & Jardin, le magazine éco-engagé, propose des conseils avisés pour aménager un espace de travail aussi fonctionnel qu’agréable. Parmi les astuces préconisées, l’option des sièges reconditionnés EcoSiège se démarque particulièrement.